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Why do we ask for your prescription later?
Did you know that a high average of people enter wrongly their prescription when ordering online?
At Befitting we want to make sure your eyeglasses will be the right fit for you.
That's why we will get in touch with you after you complete the transaction to enter your prescription.
What should I use to clean my glasses?
To keep your glasses in check, please clean the frames and lenses on a regular basis. Use mild soap water with a microfiber cloth to keep the shine alive.
How should I store my glasses when I'm not wearing them?
When you’re giving your eyes a break, please store them in a case. Better to be safe than sorry is key! We know it's hard but try to only wear your glasses on your face. Holding them on your head or in a shirt pocket could be a disaster waiting to happen. Finally, we know you have the talent but always use both hands when taking your glasses off. One slight tug could warp the frame.


Will my glasses need to be adjusted to fit me?
As with any day-to-day wear item, small adjustments will need to be made to ensure the perfect fit and comfort. Our optical experts have prepared these recommendations for adjustments you can easily make on your own at home. You’ve got this!
Are the nose pads pinching your nose?
If your nose pads are causing your specs to sit too high or feel too tight on your nose, we have a simple fix. Holding the eyeglasses firmly in one hand, open the nose pads by gently pressing the pad side of your thumb towards the lens. GO SLOWLY to avoid making a dramatic change. Do this in small increments while keeping the angle of the nose pads intact.
Do the nose pads feel too loose?
If the nose pads on your frames are too wide and are making the glasses sit too low on your face, we have a simple solution you can tackle yourself. While holding the glasses in one hand, gently pinch and press the nose pads from the backside with your forefinger away from the lens. Please GO SLOW to avoid a dramatic change.
Can I adjust the temples (the arms) of my glasses?
Whether your glasses are feeling too loose or too tight, temple adjustments are relatively simple, and you’ll be wearing your frames with comfort and ease in no time. Your new frames should be pliable, but you can run the area you are attempting to reshape under hot tap water to warm it up. Never use boiled water or a hairdryer as you could cause permanent damage. As you adjust your glasses, be sure to use gentle and steady pressure. You’ll need to carefully brace the area you are reshaping to create resistance.
What do I do if my glasses don't feel secure on my face?
If your glasses are slipping or loose, a simple tightening adjustment to the temples will likely fix the problem. Go slowly and try wearing the frames after each adjustment to ensure the perfect fit. To tighten the temple for a more secure fit you’ll need to either increase the inward angle of the temple ends or increase the downward angle of the temple ends. While holding the main part of the frame in one hand, gently pinch the temple ends with your other hand to pull them downward or inward depending on what you need.
What if my glasses feel tight over my ears?
If your glasses are too tight at the temple or hurting behind your ear or your ear itself, you’ll need to make a small adjustment to your temples to resolve this. To loosen the temple, you’ll need to either decrease the inward angle of the temple ends or decrease the downward angle of the temple ends. While holding the main part of the frame in one hand, gently pinch the temple ends with your other hand to pull them upwards or upwards depending on what you need.
Have any questions about your new Befitting eyewear?
No problem. Just call us at 1-833-BEFITTING (1-833-233-4884)